Safeguarding Code of Conduct 

United Kingdom

Last updated: May 2024

This code of conduct must be followed when interacting with a child or an adult at risk in any capacity on behalf of the Greggs Foundation and includes visits to breakfast clubs, schools and other organisations and attendance at Foundation events.   

A child or young person is anyone who has not yet reached the age of 18.  An adult at risk is someone over the age of 18 at risk of abuse or neglect but is unable to protect themselves because of their need for care and support.  

This Code of Conduct applies to anyone acting on behalf of the Foundation including all staff, trustee directors, volunteers (including non-trustee director sub-committee members), consultants, breakfast club visitors and any other person visiting a school or other organisation on our behalf.     

In interacting with a child or an adult at risk in any capacity on behalf of the Foundation you must: 

  • Always prioritise the safety and wellbeing of the child or adult at risk at all times. 

  • Maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct, as ambassadors for the Foundation.  

  • Never give out your personal contact details and do not 'friend' or 'follow' children or adults at risk on social networking sites who you interact with in any capacity on behalf of the Foundation.  

  • Do not assume sole responsibility or supervisory responsibility for a child or adult at risk and never be left in sole charge of them when travelling to or visiting an organisation, or when attending an event.  If a child or adult at risk needs care, alert the supervising adult. 

  • Behave appropriately and use appropriate language at all times. 

  • Listen to and respect children and adults at risk at all times. 

  • Treat children and adults at risk fairly and without prejudice or discrimination. 

  • Not take photographs or videos of children or adults at risk unless you have the agreed permission in accordance with our consent and privacy statement.    

  • If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or an adult at risk or feel someone is behaving inappropriately you should report this to the Foundation Manager, Tracy Lynch whose email address is